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Latest news - The 2nd edition is a hot seller! Currently #1 Mushroom book on Amazon, and #24 for the Kindle edition.  See where to purchase to get your copy.

Finally a true field guide!

2nd Edition - Many updates and more mushrooms!

Be honest, do you identify mushrooms by looking or reading? It really helps to do both, but the detailed descriptions that take up two-thirds of the space in most mushroom field guides are rarely read. An illustrated key makes identification much easier and faster; and allows for more species to be covered in a smaller sized book.  This mushroom field guide includes:

For each species the combination of pictures, keys and comments will provide you with all of the critical features needed for identification, plus the range, fruiting time, habitat and edibility.

2nd Edition Book Reviews

If you love mushrooms and often hunt them in Northern California and other points north along the coast states, all the way up to Alaska, I suggest picking up a copy of Mike Beug's fine book, "Mushrooms of Cascadia, An Illustrated Key to the Fungi of the Pacific Northwest." 

Author MIke Beug, a former mycology and chemistry professor at Evergreen State College, has lived in the PNW for over 50 years. He has extensive field experience of collecting mushrooms in the PNW. His prodigious identification skills and key writing abilites were perfected during decades working within the PNW Key Council. The PNW Key Council is composed of some of the finest, most altruistic fungal taxonomists in the PNW, whose sole purpose is to write useful, publically available keys to various fungal groups. 

Beug's book is a beautifully illustrated key to many of the fungi found in Cascadia and beyond. Pictorial and then descriptive keys take you to species, not just groups, and highlight those important species differences, so that you can narrow down your search without wadingh through reams of text. It does require you to take a spore print in the case of agarics, unless, of course, you already know that spore color. Spore prints CAN be useful, no matter what jaded fungal folks might say over on Facebook!

It also briefly discusses fungi as food, as well as how to collect and how to stay safe in the forest.

But the bulk of it are the keys.

This is a hugely useful book for both beginners and more experienced mushroom hunters, easy to use, small enough to carry, and reasonably priced. Although the fungal descriptions are brief, deeper details can be found on any keyed species in the free to download website "Matchmaker," the creation of Ian Gibson, another Key Council member. I told ya these guys (and gals) were altruists! :)

MycoMatch Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest

Frustrated when trying to ID Ramarias? I sure am. Mike's key to Ramarias uses first color, and then distinctive features, time of year, etc., to help you get to your species. How to maximize your chances of finding that ID are also discussed. No time to waste when IDing Ramarias! They lose their beautiful colors within a day of picking.

There is an extensive Cortinarius section, which sometimes even lists the unique colors shown when exposed to UV light. Use of a UV light in species identifications has become more popular within the amateur community recently. Fun to have that data here. One could easily write a book on PNW Cortinarius alone. Cortinarius are the most abundant genus found under Oregon white oak in the PNW. Many are still undescribed.

Mostly the book is illustrated by Beug's own photos, followed by several dozen photos from his mentor, the late Kit Scates Barnhart, a dozen or so from Harley Barnhart, and a handful from Paul Stamets (mostly psilocybes, of course!). It is portable, well bound, and with high quality paper; a perfect addition to your basket of field necessities. 

Dr. Mike Beug has donated his time and experience and abilities, not just in taxonomy but in his tireless work in fungal toxicology for NAMA, for decades. This is only his second published book. Do the man a solid, and yourself a favor, and buy it for yourself. You won't be disappointed.

~ Debbie Vies, Co-Founder of the Bay Area Mushroom Society

1st Edition Book Reviews

Dr. Michael Beug’s Mushrooms of Cascadia is a triumphant achievement in the annals of mycology. His illustrated key helps readers logically navigate through the often bewildering array of mushrooms, choosing features that most relevantly separate one cluster of species from another. Having known Michael all my adult life and watching his passion – his compassion – to the field of mycology, this book fills an important gap by focusing on the mushrooms in the Cascadian ecosystems. Too many books just show a few species over too broad a geographical range, leaving out many species, and are confusing. Mushrooms of Cascadia is a rare accomplishment. Dr. Beug expertly guides you on an academic field trip to safely identify mushrooms. I applaud and highly recommend Mushrooms of Cascadia as the best field guide to the mysterious and magical mushrooms in the Cascadia bioregion. Well done Professor!                    

~ Paul Stamets, Author and Founder of Fungi Perfecti LLC

Mushrooms of Cascadia is a unique and exciting new field guide for the PNW. The combination of identification keys illustrated with photographs for each choice will help beginners and experts alike to rapidly narrow the possibilities and zero in on an identification. Dr. Beug has brought field identification of mushrooms into the reach of many mycophiles, especially those who like to identify mushrooms in the field without picking them. Covering more than 900 species specific to the Cascadia bioregion and illustrated with over 1,000 excellent photos, this is THE book for the PNW. As an added bonus, it’s actually small enough to carry in the field. Dr. Beug needed to write this book to share a lifetime of awesome mushroom photos. I’m really excited that this project has come to fruition. I look forward to sharing this with my students.  


~ Paul Przybylowicz, Author and faculty member at The Evergreen State College

Don’t live in the Pacific Northwest? Not a resident of Cascadia? Before you “swipe left,” you should consider that the significance of this guide lies well beyond the confines of Cascadian fungi (as if 4,000 species and 535, 000 square miles can be considered confining). In fact, the history of mycology in North America runs through this handy tome. It is a distillation of a life’s work in mycology.

The expertise and influence of Dr. Michael Beug is enmeshed with the ascendancy of North American mycology.  Beginning in 1975, Dr. Beug was part of the Pacific Northwest Key Council established by mycologist Dr. Daniel Stuntz, and mycological photographer/amateur mycologist Kit Scates Barnhart. As a member of this group from its initiation, he helped to create and field test dichotomous keys for Cascadia species. 

~ Dr Luara Juszczak

Dr. Beug is also responsible for finding over 50 previously undiscovered oak-associated Cortinarius species in Cascadia, has been the NAMA chair of its toxicology committee since 2001, and was the mentor of Paul Stamets at Evergreen College. Also contributing to this work are photos from the library of Harley and Kit S. Barnhart, which was bequeathed to Dr. Beug.

Now for the scope of the key itself. Over 900 species with more than 1,000 photos cover the area from coastal southern Alaska to central California, and inland to Idaho. This key---unlike that of historical Pacific Northwest Key Council keys---is not strictly dichotomous. That is, instead of choosing between two descriptors like “a. Has a conspicuous webby, veil” versus “b. Has no veil,” a choice between three or more descriptors may be given. This, of course, accounts for cases where more than two species show similarities, and leads to a more rapid identification; the field of choices is narrowed more quickly. This can be particularly time-saving when one happens upon a large flush of unidentified mushrooms: should one harvest them all (edible) or just pick a representative sample for the show table (not edible) and move on?

All choices are illustrated in situ, and--- where necessary---with views of the stipe, cap and gills, and in stages of development. The preponderance of photos was taken by Dr. Bueg. A fair sampling from the Barnhart photo collection is included; a few are contributions of Paul Stamets. Following the illustration with its specific name is a concise list of “Comments,” which allows for a more nuanced description of characteristics than pictorial icons. Thus, for “edibility,” for example, we have “edibility not tested,” ”edible but slimy” or “too tough to eat.” Additional key distinguishing features included are taste and smell, alternative Linnean names, toxicity, geographic range including elevation, seasonality and key botanical associations.

In general, a reminder is in order regarding the utility of such a handbook to non-Cascadians:  many of the included species are found in wide swaths of the North American continent. The key can be used to narrow to genus if not species. Also, the functionality of such a handbook does not depend on cellphone signal availability. Following your meander through the woods, more nuanced IDs can be made at the aforementioned Key Council downloadable online app, MycoMatch (v. 2.4, 2020) found at

Finally, the book design is well-thought-out; many useful features are included. The front inside cover includes a map while the back includes a ruler graded in both inches and centimeters. The front material has concise yet necessary guides to collecting and preparation (Do not taste large, red-pored boletes!). The only disappointment is that the cover is not more durable. 

~ Dr. Laura Juszczak, Associate Professor Biophysical Chemistry, Brooklyn College, 2nd Vice President of the North American Mycological Association (NAMA) -  Reprinted from the September/ October 2021 issue of the Mycophile, newsletter for NAMA.